sup stand-up paddle boarding

This summer, join us for a range of activities, including SUP Yoga, SUP Yoga Teacher Training, Paddle Skills training, Private Group SUP Sessions, and Special events. All of which will be led by our Paddle Canada Certified and insured Instructors & Certified SUP Yoga Teachers.

Learn more!

hey! i'm sylvie

I’m a free-spirited outdoorsy kind of gal who loves meeting people at the edges of their comfort zone. I created Rebel Soul out of my passion to bring people together and build community.

With 7 years of experience teaching yoga and leading transformational experience, I'm here to guide you through a journey of self-discovery and growth!

I’m that friend who’ll empower you to discover your purpose and go after what sets your soul on fire.

I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur obsessed with spending time outdoors, diving into personal development and self-leadership, teaching yoga, leading retreats and hosting unique experiences - for us to connect, dream, and grow together. I’d love to connect with you!

Send me a message